Working With Generations

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When we are young, we love spending time with our grandparents. Why? Because they are not the primary adults raising us. For the most part, […]

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I recently returned from a short, weekend getaway with my parents, sibling and her family, and my own wife and children. The trip reminded me […]

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Institutional Investing Program

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For over 47 years, the Board of Retirement has ministered to employees of Free Will Baptists and in many ways, has not lived up to […]

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Ready, Set, ___________

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Martin Luther once said, “A true Christian lives and labors on earth not for himself but for his neighbor; therefore, the whole spirit of his […]

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Preparing for Future Ministry

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What is your dream for retirement? Vacations? Traveling to see grandkids? Business venture? Rest and relaxation? All of us probably have aspirations for most, if […]

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Become a Church Philanthropist

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What does it mean to be a philanthropist? Do you have to be rich and give hundreds of thousands of dollars away each year? Absolutely […]

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What’s 100 points?

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If you have turned on the news in the past decade, then you have probably seen how the stock market moves up and down in […]

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All That Glitters

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Investing in Gold. One of the most common questions that I get asked as I travel around is what do you think about investing in […]

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Breaking Down Your Goals

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Back in the 1930’s researchers found that when lab rats got closer to the end of their task and could see the prize they would […]

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