Growing Seasons

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If you have ever grown anything, you know gardens, flowers, and fruit trees have a growing season. The seasons could be short, like those of […]

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I Need How Much?

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>>>$555,000 The figure above is the minimum recommended amount for retirement savings, ten times the U.S. median income. Most people are shocked to learn that […]

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Guaranteed Lifetime Income

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If you have been watching the news over the last couple of years, you may have heard of the SECURE Acts. These acts were meant […]

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Women and Social Security

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In 1935, Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into the fabric of American life. Miss Ida May Fuller received the first benefit in […]

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No Decision Is a Decision

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“Well, I will look at this, talk to my spouse about it, and see what we can do.”; “I have a long time before I […]

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Current Market Volatility

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Current Market Volatility If you have watched the news recently, you have seen that the S&P 500 index plunged 4% last week, in the market’s most significant […]

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Understanding Basic Investment Principles

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Most of us have heard the advice: “Save 15% of your income to maintain your current lifestyle in retirement.” Since everyone’s situation is different, how […]

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