Funding Missions Trips

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Missions lies at the heart of our faith. It is not a new calling. It is as vital and relevant today as it has ever […]

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What’s in a Name?

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Over the last 55 years, the National Association of Free Will Baptists Board of Retirement and Insurance, Inc. (our official name) has grown. It has […]

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Finding Financial Success Beyond Graduation

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Those who embark on the journey of higher education will find it an exciting and life-changing experience. Students encounter new freedoms, new learning opportunities, and […]

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Special Concerns of Pastors’ Wives

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I am the son, son-in-law, nephew, and brother-in-law of pastors’ wives. Over my lifetime, I have seen countless churches call pastors to shepherd their congregations, […]

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I Need How Much?

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>>>$555,000 The figure above is the minimum recommended amount for retirement savings, ten times the U.S. median income. Most people are shocked to learn that […]

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The Heart of a Giver

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It is more blessed to give than to receive. This statement from Acts 20:35 is true. I have experienced it. You have, too. Giving is […]

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God Will Deliver

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God will deliver, but that doesn’t mean you should be lax in your own preparation for the future. I watched the 1974 movie Where the […]

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Guaranteed Lifetime Income

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If you have been watching the news over the last couple of years, you may have heard of the SECURE Acts. These acts were meant […]

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