Funding Missions Trips

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Missions lies at the heart of our faith. It is not a new calling. It is as vital and relevant today as it has ever […]

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IRS Announces 2024 Contribution Limits

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The Internal Revenue Service has announced contribution and benefit limits for 2024. The limit on contributions by employees who participate in 401(k)s, 403(b)s, Sec. 457 plans, and the federal government’s […]

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Guaranteed Lifetime Income

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If you have been watching the news over the last couple of years, you may have heard of the SECURE Acts. These acts were meant […]

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Motivating People for Their Own Good

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“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Simple and proven—eating apples does have significant health benefits. Most of us, however, do not eat an […]

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Compounding Possibilities

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Small, seemingly insignificant acts can have an impact beyond anything imagined. For example, a kind word, simple gesture, or thoughtful deed can brighten another’s day […]

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Our Timeline for Investing

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“When should I invest or start investing?” Now! Almost 60% of Americans indicate they plan to work longer than anticipated before they retire. Several driving […]

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Just How Solid is Gold?

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Gold is the most malleable of all metals. One gram of gold can be pressed and formed into a sheet of 11 square feet. Gold […]

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Current Market Volatility

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Current Market Volatility If you have watched the news recently, you have seen that the S&P 500 index plunged 4% last week, in the market’s most significant […]

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