Money Is Not the Issue

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Marriage is a beautiful thing. God’s design for marriage is one man and one woman in a lifelong commitment. As most of us probably said […]

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2023 Important Tax Dates

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January 16 Fourth quarter (2022) estimated tax payment due March 15 Federal tax filing deadline for S corporations April 18 Federal tax filing deadline for [...] Read More

The Importance of Sustainability

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Sustainability has been a frequent subject over the last decade. We hear the food we buy and eat is sustainably grown and harvested. Businesses strive […]

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Are Finances a Spiritual Matter?

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The simple answer is yes! I know that many want to separate finances and spiritual matters like America has separated church and state. But the [...] Read More

Just How Solid is Gold?

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Gold is the most malleable of all metals. One gram of gold can be pressed and formed into a sheet of 11 square feet. Gold […]

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Positioning to Thrive in Inflation

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2022 has been the year of inflation. It is constantly in the news and making headlines this year, “Inflation numbers have hit levels that have […]

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IRS Announces 2023 Contribution Limits

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The Internal Revenue Service has announced contribution and benefit limits for 2023.The limit on contributions by employees who participate in 401(k)s, 403(b)s, Sec. 457 plans, […]

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Keeping the Vision Before Us

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“There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.” —Steven Wright The same could be said for casting […]

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Redeem Your Time

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It is hard to believe I am turning 47 this month. In only a few years, Lord willing, I will pass the big 5-0. Yikes! […]

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The Joy of Ministry

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If you work in ministry, you know there is a joy that comes from it. You don’t get into ministry because it is a lucrative […]

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