We are Not Powerless

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At the BOR, our mission is to help you save and invest, to prepare you for your future ministry. While most of our posts relate […]

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Motivating People for Their Own Good

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“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Simple and proven—eating apples does have significant health benefits. Most of us, however, do not eat an […]

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Women and Social Security

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In 1935, Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into the fabric of American life. Miss Ida May Fuller received the first benefit in […]

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Compounding Possibilities

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Small, seemingly insignificant acts can have an impact beyond anything imagined. For example, a kind word, simple gesture, or thoughtful deed can brighten another’s day […]

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Calculating the Future

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Through the years, I have heard several sermons on the parable of the Rich Fool found in Luke 12:13-21. Most of these sermons emphasize the […]

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How to “Raise an Ebenezer”

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When we hear “Ebenezer,” the first thing that pops into our heads might be Ebenezer Scrooge, especially around Christmas. The main character in the 1843 […]

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