National Retirement Security Week

promo-mug-4Started in 2006 by Senators Gordon Smith (R-OR) and Kent Conrad (D-ND), National Retirement Security Week was set to be observed on the 3rd week in October. The purpose of the week was to elevate public knowledge of retirement savings and encourage employees to save and participate in employer sponsored retirement plans. The research data shows that less that 2/3rd’s of American employees save anything for retirement and that the ones that are saving, aren’t saving at an adequate level to have the needed income in retirement for their family. Congress set up the National Retirement Security Week to help raise awareness of the importance of saving adequately for retirement.


dexter-bp-4Social Security was never intended to be the sole source of retirement income, when Congress created it, in 1935. Since that point, the strain on the system has become greater and greater to the point now that many are not sure what the future will hold for Social Security. Still, over 1/3rd of Americans rely totally on Social Security for their retirement income.


phyllisDuring this week, we have sent out several Facebook and blog posts and email blasts to help raise awareness of this week. We don’t want to stop with just those but we want to spread the word to friends and family. Starting this week, we are giving a Board of Retirement tumbler mug to anyone that helps sign up an employee of FWB into the Board of Retirement 403(b)(9) program.  These stainless steel mugs will keep your coffee hot for hours and your sweet tea cold for a day. We understand that raising eric-2awareness is a team effort, but teams need to have something that shows they are a team. So become part of the team and help us get FWB employees started in an adequate savings plan so they have a fruitful retirement and are able to continue the ministry God has for each of them to do.