Funding Missions Trips

Missions lies at the heart of our faith. It is not a new calling. It is as vital and relevant today as it has ever been. From the early disciples spreading the good news of Jesus across the globe to believers today breaking new ground, missions remains a pillar of our faith and practice.

Engaging in missions work can be a transformative experience for Christians. It can help us grow spiritually and find a deeper connection to our faith and Lord. Missions participants often gain new perspectives, develop empathy and compassion, and experience a sense of fulfillment and purpose through serving others. Missions also makes a great impact on the local church. When members of a local church serve together in missions, it has a way of cultivating a greater sense of unity, purpose, and fervor for the Kingdom.

This was the experience I had when I had the opportunity to go on a short-term mission trip with my youth group. It was an awesome opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Through a partnership with the local church where we served, we were able to serve that church, its community, and the Lord in a multitude of ways. Not only did we bless those we served, but the experience blessed us as well and helped us become more effective in living out our faith at home.

I would venture to say most churches believe in missions and have a desire to support mission endeavors. The challenge for churches and individuals can be funding these important ventures. For some, it may be lack of resources. For others, it may be lack of planning. However, smart investing of financial resources can play a vital role in ensuring sustainable funding for missions, both now and in the future. Here are three considerations for churches who want to be better prepared to fund missions and mission trips.

• Develop a financial plan. The starting point for every church should be a financial plan that aligns with their missions’ objectives. Consider your current financial picture. Assess your cash flow, assets, and liabilities. Make funding missions a priority in your budget.

• Invest funds for the long-term. To help fund missions, churches should consider investment opportunities. Smart investing can help churches grow financial assets, generate additional income, and establish a solid foundation for funding mission trips and other missionary endeavors in the long term. The Institutional Investing Program through Free Will Baptist Board of Retirement provides a vehicle for churches and ministry organization to invest funds for missions and ministry purposes. Churches can invest funds and let earnings compound and increase their funding capacity.

• Get involved and go! Churches need to be involved in missions. The world needs missions-minded churches. Though talking about money is often uncomfortable, the reality is that money makes missions work a reality.

Smart investing makes funding missions sustainable for the long-term. Consider developing a financial plan, invest funds for future ministry, and watch the Lord bless your efforts.

This article was previously posted in the June/July 2024 edition of ONE Magazine.