At the BOR, our mission is to help you save and invest, to prepare you for your future ministry. While most of our posts relate to money in some way, this one is a bit different. This one focuses on the emotional and spiritual health of the Body of Believers. Because, if we are feeling helpless and overcome, and see only a dark future, there is no point saving money for retirement, or college, or anything else.
So…How have you been feeling lately?
As we see all of the changes in the world, the radical shift away from God’s Truth in the culture, it’s easy to feel helpless. God’s Truth, which—in many of our lifetimes—was taught in schools, is now treated as “hate speech,” and topics we never could have imagined being publicly discussed, are now actively and openly encouraged, even for our children.
It’s easy to feel helpless and hopeless. From a human perspective, it might be understandable to even feel angry.
However, it’s important to remember that God is in control, and He has a plan. And, as pastors, church workers, laypeople, parents, and Christians in all walks of life, we have the power to influence the world for Him. So, here a few principles to remember, and actions each of us can take, to help move our discouragement to encouragement; our sorrow to hopeful joy.
- We need to stay grounded in the Lord. It’s not enough to think or discuss our concerns. We must take them to the Lord in prayer.
- We must stay in His Word. Everyone has an opinion, but the only one that matters is the Lord’s. We need to make sure our perspectives and beliefs are firmly grounded in God’s Truth.
- We need to take every opportunity to teach God’s Truth to others. Did you know that, even today, many have not read or heard God’s Truth? Certainly, it’s available 24/7, anywhere in the world. But many were not raised in a Christian home, are immersed in ungodly aspects of the culture, and/or have never picked up a Bible themselves. Whenever we’re in their presence, or connecting with them via tech, we have an opportunity to influence them. It’s sobering to think that, anytime Christ’s Word is not actively influencing them, chances are good they are being influenced by the world.
- It’s helpful to have right expectations of the responses you’ll, likely, receive. Remember, Jesus said, “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you” (John 15: 18). So, many will not like the message. However, other may come to you asking “what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). We are to act and speak; the outcome is the Lord’s.
- We need to live our own lives according to Godly principles. No one is going to listen to what we have to say about the bigger issues regarding God’s Truth if we yell at our children, gossip, or mismanage our finances. Our obedience and faithfulness will draw them to us, as they see that we live in a manner which is consistent with our message.
- We must prioritize praying for and encouraging those who are actively engaged in the battle. Pastors, church workers, Christian teachers, political leaders and candidates, youth group leaders, librarians…there are so many who must actively take a stand for the Lord in their daily lives and livelihoods—and they need an abundance of prayer!
- It is important that we do not neglect the fellowship of the believers (Hebrews 10:25). When we come together as the Body of Christ, we can encourage each other, pray for one another, praise the Lord together, and be reminded that we are not alone.
- And, finally, we must trust the Lord. He has a plan and we know that in the end, His light overcomes the darkness of this world. And, through it all, he loves us dearly—and he loves the yet-to-be-saved dearly, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance (2 Peter 3:9).
So rather than being discouraged, remember that we are not powerless, and that each of us was placed in the here and now, as fellow workers in the Kingdom, for such a time as this.
Christy Kohnle is a communications consultant and owner of Paradox Communications. She grew up in the Church and has been a life-long Christian, with a strong interest in Biblical financial stewardship. Christy has been managing the BOR communications since September, 2021.