Financial Education

Manage Your Money Well

Money is part of everyone’s life. We have interaction with it almost on a daily basis. Unfortunately, many people don’t handle their money well or responsibly; Christians included. There seems to be a disconnect between their values and their money/stuff. Many simply don’t approach their use of money through the lens of their values (God’s Word and Will).

The Board of Retirement desires to provide biblical financial education to the FWB denomination at large.

We are here to help! The Board of Retirement wants to partner with you or your church to provide biblical Financial Education. From kids to senior adults, we provide financial seminars and educational resources that will help prepare you and your church to be successful in managing their money, all from a biblical perspective.

Financial Seminars
Essential Resources

If your church or church organization would like for the Board of Retirement to come and present a financial seminar on a specific subject, please contact our office today!

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