Our first conference was a success! On October 17-19, the Board of Retirement hosted the first ever Re:Invest Conference at the Nashville Airport Marriott. This conference was an invitation only conference for young ministers and leaders who were identified by national and state leaders as an up-and-coming leader within the Free Will Baptist denomination.
The purpose of the Re:Invest Conference was to train and equip up-and-coming Free Will Baptist ministers and their spouses for their current ministry and future leadership roles. It was an opportunity for all FWB National Departments to invest back into the lives and ministry of those who labor and invest so much in our denomination. Although the Board of Retirement was the conference host, all of our National Departments contributed to the success of the event. From logo design to meal sponsorships to conference speaking, the Re:Invest Conference was truly a collaborative effort.
During the course of the conference, over 50 people were in attendance, including young ministers, their wives and denominational leaders. Conference sessions included topics like personal finance, the effects of money and marriage in ministry, church business, the purpose of boards and much more. One of the highlights of the conference was the fun time away from the conference center to The Donelson Fellowship for some laser tag!
It was an honor to get to know and invest in the lives of these young leaders. A special thanks to all of our FWB National Departments for their contributions, support and sponsorship.