Short-Term Fixed Income

Fund Summary

The Short-Term Fixed Income fund seeks to provide an attractive level of income consistent with capital preservation while limiting maturities of any single issuer to no greater than seven years.  Presently diversified among U S Treasury, Agency, and Corporate securities.

Performance Overview (as of 12/31/24)

Current YTD   3.900%
One Year (2023)   4.720%

* Earnings results calculated on total investment return

Portfolio Characteristics

Investment Description

The strategy is designed to provide attractive levels of income consistent with capital preservation while limiting maturities to a maximum of seven years. Key elements of the strategy include: An actively managed blend of U.S. Treasury, Agency, and investment grade corporate bonds.  Active risk management with a focus on minimizing interest rate risk and credit risk.  Portfolio duration ranges from 2-3 years and is adjusted as needed to optimize risk/reward.  Average credit rating of A or better.  Exposure to specific sectors is capped to prevent sector-specific portfolio risk.

Fund Profile

  • Inception Date:  May, 2022
  • Indexed to Barclays Government/Credit 1-5 Year Bond Index
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